December holiday week football program
Service Description
Our unique program will focus on the total athlete package, combining Parisi and X's & O's Football School. Help your athlete improve their game, move up a position on the depth chart. The program consists of a combination of: - position skills work - weight room - Parisi speed and agility training
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Liability Release I as the parent/ legal guardian of the participant assume full responsibility and liability for any and all damages, injuries or losses that my child/I may sustain or incur in any way while attending or participating in any Parisi or X's and O's Football School programs, classes or activities both in and away from the gym. I agree to hold harmless and waive all claims against the owners, instructors, staff and/or agents of Parisi or X's and O's Football School, LLC, for any injuries she/he/l may sustain while attending or participating in said programs. I am fully aware and certify that my child is mentally and physically fit to participate in the classes for which he/she is registered and that I have the medical coverage or personal means to cover any expenses related to any injury that my child might receive as a result of participating. I do hereby grant the Parisi or X's and O's Football School staff and designated adults the right to authorize emergency medical treatment for my child in the event that I, or my designated representative, cannot be reached. I understand manual adjustment of a student's body to correct alignment and technique is standard practice. MEDIA RELEASE FORM I,grant permission to Parisi and / or X’s and O’s Football SChool hereinafter known as the “Media” to use my image (photographs and/or video) for use in Media publications including: ☒ Videos ☒ Email Blasts ☒ Recruiting Brochures ☒ Newsletters ☒ Magazines ☒ General Publications ☒ Website and/or Affiliates ☒ social media I hereby waive any right to inspect or approve the finished photographs or electronic matter that may be used in conjunction with them now or in the future, whether that use is known to me or unknown, and I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising from or related to the use of the image. I am 18 years of age or older and I am competent to contract in my own name or I am the parent or legal guardian of the participant child. I have read this release before signing below, and I fully understand the contents, meaning and impact of this release. I understand that I am free to address any specific questions regarding this release by submitting those questions in writing prior to signing, and I agree that my failure to do so will be interpreted as a free and knowledgeable acceptance of the terms of this release.
Contact Details
Coastland Center - Sears Parking Deck, Tamiami Trail North, Naples, FL, USA